Trademark Status LIVE
Expiration 04.12.2029









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4Life Trademarks, LLC



NICE Classification

  • Cosmetic nourishing skin cleansers;
    foam cleansers for personal use;
    sun creams;
    sunscreen creams;
    eye cream;
    anti-wrinkle creams;
    wrinkle-minimizing cosmetic preparations for use around eyes;
    non-medicated skin serums, namely, eye serums;
    non-medicated skin serums, namely, serums for use around eyes;
    beauty serums, namely, eye serums and serums for use around the eyes;
    non-medicated anti-aging serums;
    skin moisturizer, namely, moisturizer for use around the eyes;
    beauty serums;
    skin toners;
    non-medicated skin toners;
    non-medicated skin care preparations, namely, toners;
    make-up preparations;
    make-up preparations for the face;
    makeup setting sprays;
    cosmetic mud masks;
    moisturizers for skin, face, body and hands;
    skin moisturizer masks;
    cosmetic masks;
    beauty masks;
    facial moisturizers;
    moisturizing solutions for the skin;
    moisturizing preparations for the skin;
    facial moisturizer with SPF;
    anti-aging moisturizer;
    skin moisturizer;
    skin moisturizers used as cosmetics;
    moisturizing body lotions;
    moisturizing creams;
    sheet skin masks;
    facial masks, namely, sheet fabrics soaked in a solution for use as a facial treatment;
    milk infused sheet skin mask;
    facial masks;
    facial beauty masks;
    non-medicated skin serums, namely, facial serum;
    non-medicated facial and eye serum containing antioxidants;
    facial washes;
    facial lotions;
    facial creams;
    non-medicated serums for use on skin;
    skin care products, namely, non-medicated skin serum;
    non-medicated serums for use on face;
    skin cleansers;
    facial cleansers;
    SPF sun block lotion;
    sun-block lotions;
    but excluding shaving cream and excluding hair products sold through a hair salon.;

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